If you are thinking about buying a camper trailer, then you have likely heard about a brake controller. But why do you need one? Is it even required? This article will answer those questions and teach you a little more about the braking system on your Platinum Camper.
Well in a word, most likely. In December of 1998, national towing regulations were implemented across Australia following a unanimous decision by the State Ministers of Transport.
These new regulations decided that any camper trailer with a Gross Trailer Mass (GTM) exceeding 750kg has to be fitted with an electric brake control system. And most if not all camper trailers you come across will be more than this.
GTM under 750kg
No additional brakes required
751< GTM < 2,000kg
Braking system on wheels of at least one axles;
1,000kg GTM > 2,000 kg
Need a “breakaway” system, system must be powered by a full-charged battery at ALL times (can be either standalone or auxiliary)
For Safety – You need a brake controller for Safety. That pretty much sums it up. There’s a really cool analogy I found: “Imagine a group of kid’s rollerblading in a line, each holding onto the hips of the one ahead of them. The line goes smoothly along as long as all of the kids remain at a steady speed. If one of these children suddenly decides to slow down, the following will soon end up crashing into his back.”
Towing camper trailers is pretty much the same. All the added weight of a camper can make slowing down or stopping a tow vehicle dangerous without a brake controller. The camper trailer’s momentum can cause it to keep going, ultimately crashing into the back of your car.
Electric brake controllers stop the chances of this happening by activating the camper trailer’s brakes whenever the driver hits the vehicle brakes. The brake controller essentially detects how much power is required by your camper trailer’s brakes to safely slow down and stop, making it a much smoother drive.
Platinum Camper’s sell & recommend Elecbrakes Brake Controllers. Not only are they an extremely popular choice when it comes to towing anything – it is also the no. 1 choice for Camper Trailers & Caravan enthusiasts. People love the flexibility of being able to lend their camper to family and friends more easily. Plus it is affordable – and comes with a number of features
The Elecbrakes Controller will be mounted on your trailer. This is so any vehicle that tows it will have the controller available as opposed to needing a controller for each vehicle.
YourElecbrakes controller is then accessible from an app available on Android & IOS – where you can adjust the brake pressure and monitor its usuage.
Elecbrakes can be adjusted using the specially designed remote-control unit. Connecting by the best in Bluetooth 4.0 technology, the remote provides a multi-faceted in-car controller. With a friendly interface the operator can apply the manual override, and, via the plus and minus buttons, increase and decrease brake response instantly on the trailers brakes.
Still have questions? Shoot us a message or give us a call and we would be more than happy toanswer any questions you have regarding brake controllers and Platnum Campers.
Drive Safe!